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Data Query




Data Query


The Data Query function allows the user to view features based on attribute table values.




Within this function, a layer is selected to query, and then a field within that layer. Once the layer and the field have been selected, generate the criteria for the query. For text fields, enter a string that is found within the queried field. It is not necessary to have the full string to get results, but more specific results will be produced with a complete text string.


For numeric fields, three boolean functions are provided (<=, >=, and =). For example, to search in the PARCELS layer for ACRES field values of 2.5 or greater acres, first select the Parcel Layer, and then the ACRES field (note: fields will automatically change according to what layer is selected). Choose the operator >= and then the value (in this case, 2.5).


To define a range of values (ex., between 15 and 90), that would be done by selecting the operator ">=" from the "Operator" field and enter 15 in "Define the Number Query" field. Next, select "<=" in the Operator boundary and enter 90 in the "Define the Second Bound" field. Click "Search" and the results will automatically pop in from the right. From there, further explore the results using the Query Results Table Tools found within the results table itself.


Hit "Reset" to start another query. Note that hitting "Reset" will only clear the query, not the results. They will remain until another query is completed.




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