Data Results Tab
The data results tab is used to display the results of map actions and searches. The attribute results are shown in a table-formatted grid (and automatically appear when a search is created). From these results, perform such actions as zooming to a feature, buffering based on a distance, or viewing additional information.
This tab is automatically populated and appears as a result of any search or data query, and gives aa few more tools to explore data.
The records that match the basic or advanced selection criteria will appear in the Results tab. The number of records found will be listed at the top of the Results panel. Each feature selected on the map will have a corresponding record in the Data Results table. Scroll down through the records using the side scroll bar to the right. If the queried layer has a lot of fields, it may be necessary to scroll laterally to view the needed data. Fortunately there is a tool to make this easier right on this frame. Type in the name (or partial name) of the the field and it will zoom to the selected field.
From this results panel, there are a number of functions available for viewing parcel data. These can be accessed by clicking on icons within each parcel record.
Information about these tools can be found here.
At the bottom of the page are a couple more tools for exploring the results
Buffer Settings - creates a search area around a selected feature.
CSV Export - The CSV Export function saves the records as a .csv (comma separated values) file. The file can be opened or saved for later use.