Find address or place
To locate a specific address, select the Locate Address panel in the upper left corner of the map. A complete address is not needed to yield results, however the more complete the input is, the more specific the results will be Enter the Address, City, State and Zip and click the Locate button. There is a choice of address geo-locating services to choose from when the downward arrow on the left is clicked.
The choice of locations will narrow in real time as the address becomes more complete:
When a selection is made, the map will zoom to the street address, indicated by the small circle in the center of the map:
To reset the search, click on the "x" to the right of the address box. Click on the magnifying glass on the far right to initiate a search. If a full address has not been entered, a list of potential matches will be provided in a search results window pop-up. Some might be far from the search area if a town and/or zip code is not entered).